Wednesday, March 27, 2013

One Bear's Opinion -- Book Review

A Burial at Sea by Charles Finch

Charles Lenox is back!  And I could not be happier.  An East in Murder was such a disappointment, I was really not sure I wanted to read A Burial at Sea.  But I am so glad I did.

The story was good, with lots of action and plot twists and turns.  Like Lenox, I was on the wrong trail for most of the book.  I enjoyed going down the wrong path and finally discovering the murderer with the rest of the ship's officers.  I knew I could rule out several people from the start, but the red herrings were very convincing and that only made the adventure more thrilling.  I was very tempted to stay up late to finish the book when I was five chapters away, but I could not keep my eyes open any longer, and I knew that I wanted to be alert for the dénouement.

I wasn't thrilled with the spy sub-plot, as it could have been a plot all on its own.  That part of the novel was not as flushed out or as complete as I had hoped.  But all in all it was a great adventure.

I wish the author/publisher had thought to include a diagram of the ship and a chart for converting ship's bells and watches to a twelve- or twenty-four hour clock, if only for the reference value.  I realize the author did a great deal of research for the book, but that does not mean his readers did the same amount.  Most confirmed land-lubbers are not as familiar with ship's areas, customs or traditions.

The minor plot deserving a better spotlight, and the fact that reference materials would have been helpful, aside this was still a great adventure with Charles Lenox.  I am back to eagerly anticipating the next one.

One Bear's Opinion:  Five Cups of Strong Earl Grey Tea with a Plate of Ginger Biscuits and Candied Orange Peel

Happy Reading Everyone, 

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